How do I get started with Microsoft Azure?


One of the most common questions I come across is, “how do i get started with Microsoft Azure?” and this question is one of the reasons why was born.

There is a large number of resources and support available to get you started on your Azure journey including a large number of Azure Blogs, Azure Training Videos and a great technical community willing to help. That’s great, but where does one start with certifications and training? How do you get in contact with this helpful Azure community? How did existing users of Azure start their journeys?

I decided to interview the experts directly. Why? Because the experts have already been through that journey in their own different ways. The people we approached for an interview were selected because of their passion for Microsoft Azure and their willingness to advise and support others. I believe a great way to start your journey with Azure is to find out how others started their journey, the challenges they faced and to allow you to keep in contact with those experts via their social media platforms. Therefore, we have not only documented the interview but also social media handles so you can connect with each interviewee.

All interviewees were asked the question “how should one get started with Microsoft Azure?” and you’ll be pleased to know that we have compiled the recommendations here”

Get started with an Azure Free Trial

You will be pleased to know that Microsoft offer a free Azure trial which is highly recommended by all interviewees. It’s a great way to put your research and training into practice and familiarise yourself with the Microsoft Azure Portal. Click the link below for more information and to sign up for a trial account today.

Azure Free Trial Account

Becoming Azure Certified

A common question is “where do I start with Azure certifications?” Microsoft have recently released a number of Azure Fundamental exams to help you get started with Azure, the recommended one to start with is Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900).

Get started preparing for the AZ-900 certification by,

  1. Signing up for a free Azure Trial
  2. Have a read of what the AZ-900 exam involves at Azure Fundamentals Exam (AZ-900)
  3. Check out the free training material available at Microsoft Learn
  4. Search AZ-900 for a large number of free training videos on YouTube.
  5. Check out Udemy for great quality and low cost training videos, or other providers such as, Skyline Academy, Plural Sight
  6. Connect with the Azure Community via Twitter

If you’re ready to move on from the Azure Fundamentals certification, check out this useful training poster from Microsoft displaying the various certifications by role, tech and speciality –

How do I stay up to date with Microsoft Azure?

Another common question “how do I stay up to date with Microsoft Azure?” and the answer is, it’s not easy with the number of Azure updates/features being released often, however, you can stay up to date via the Microsoft Azure Updates sites and connecting with people who have a passion for Azure on the social media platform Twitter. Remember, you’ll never know everything so not to worry. Have a passion for learning and continue learning.

All the best on your Microsoft Azure Journey, and if you require further information please do get in touch. Don’t forget to check out the AzureCrazy interviews to learn more about what existing Azure users recommend and how they started their journeys in Tech and how they moved to using Microsoft Azure.


Thomas Maurer Cloud Advocate at Microsoft has recorded a useful video on how to learn Microsoft Azure. I would recommend you take the time to watch this video.

Please note, we are not affiliated to Microsoft or the individuals who were interviewed. This website was setup to support and help grow the Azure community. If you want to get involved, please contact us.

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