We’re compiling a list of Microsoft Azure Blogs. If you would like to list your Azure Blog, please click the ‘Add New’ button below and submit your link via the contact us form. Thankyou
Azure Blogs
Azure Blog
Get the latest Azure news, updates and announcements from the Azure blog. From product updates to hot topics, hear from the Azure experts.
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Azure Greg
I have a developer background for 20+ years, and I am now working as an Azure Architect. I am heavily interested in the Azure community where I try to help people with blog posts, videos, sharing useful content and mentoring.
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Thomas Maurer
Thomas Maurer works as a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. As part of the Azure engineering team (Cloud + AI)
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Techie Lass
Techie Lass Blog - Technical…Practical…From A Scottish Lass.
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Pixel Robots
A Blog about Microsoft Azure and Sysadmin stuff...
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007ffflearning by Peter De Tender
I am an Azure Technical Trainer (ATT) at Microsoft. Out of this role, I provide Azure readiness workshops to larger Microsoft customers and partners in EMEA, skilling up their Azure knowledge, and preparing them for Azure certification.
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ITOps Talk Blog
ITOps Talk Blog - Microsoft Tech Community
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Thomas Thornton
A passion in IT, specifically all things cloud – whether it be a virtual machine taken from a local environment and implemented into the cloud or a fully scalable infrastructure stack built with the cloud in mind – I will enjoy it
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Cloud Build
I am a BIG believer in sharing knowledge, whether that's sharing knowledge face to face, documentation or online.
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Tobias Zimmergren
Hi, I'm Tobias. I write about my journey and experiences in the tech landscape. Mostly my writing relates to Cloud, Security, and Software Development. I have a strong focus on Microsoft Azure.
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The Dir Team
Sixteen years ago, the DirTeam.com / ActiveDir.org weblogs started out as an Active Directory blog. The blog now also covers a LOT of Azure, Azure AD and cloud security.
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Tom Hickling
Windows Virtual Desktop and Azure
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Wim Matthyssen
My Journey With The Microsoft Hybrid Cloud
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Christiaan Brinkhoff
Christiaan works as a Principal Program Manager and Community Lead on the Windows 365 cloud PC Engineering team at Microsoft.
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I have always been a Science and Technology enthusiast, so working with Technology is a great way to get paid to do your hobby!
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Blog run by Steve Buchanan, Azure MVP, PluralSight Author and Book Author.
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Azure Lessons
10 years of experience in Azure and other Microsoft technologies.
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Cloud With Chris
Exploring Cloud concepts with Chris Reddington
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Jamie Maguire
For almost 20 years I’ve been working mainly with Microsoft .NET and have a keen interest in web development, code, machine learning, psychology, business, and start-ups.
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Virtual Manc
Azure and WVD blog
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I mainly blog about different Azure-related tech topics, but occasionally there are posts about on-prem topics, too.
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Adam The Automator
Engaging, technical IT content on all things automation, cloud computing and DevOps by Adam Bertram and friends.
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Jesse Loudon
My passion is working with customers to envision, design, and implement solutions which solve key business problems & transform underlying processes with technology.
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Blogging about all things tech including Microsoft Azure
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James Cook
Cloud and DevOps with James Cook
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Captain Hyper Scaler
The Journey to the Cloud continues...
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Why Azure
A Microsoft Azure blog which also have Citrix, Docker, Intune, VMware, SQL Server, Windows and Linux contents.
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Luke Murray
Technical Consultant, Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Technologist and a drinker of coffee.
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Irish Techie
Irish Techie Thoughts on Azure and the Modern Workplace
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Cloud Marathoner's Journey
Yet another cloud learner's journey to explore, learn and share with diverse community
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I Am IT Geek
Welcome one and all to the ‘I am IT Geek’ blog. You may have heard the saying ‘I am Batman’…well ‘I am IT geek’! Loving husband and father by night, IT geek by day!!
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Sam Cogan
Hi, I’m Sam Cogan. I’m a Cloud Architect and Microsoft Azure MVP.
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Tiago Costa
I’m a Cloud Architect and Advisor focusing on Microsoft Azure, International Speaker, Trainer and Author.
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Schmitt Nieto
My blog covers a range of topics related to Azure, with a primary focus on Azure Hybrid and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD).
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Pete Codes
I specialise in Business Applications and IoT. I’m also a Community Meetup Organiser and Public Speaker.
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Jack Tracey
Hi, I’m Jack Tracey. I am a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft.
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Rishab In The Cloud
I blog about different cloud & web-related technologies including Azure.
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Johan Vanneuville
My blog about Azure and the Hybrid Cloud
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The Lazy Administrator
My name is Bradley Wyatt; I am a co-organizer of the Chicago PowerShell Users group and Chicago PowerShell Saturday
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Merill Fernando
I’m a Product Manager at Microsoft in the Microsoft Entra, Customer Acceleration Team (CAT). In my day job I help some of Microsoft’s largest enterprise customers deploy Microsoft Entra succesfully.
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Bas Van Kaam
Primarily blogging about Azure Windows Virtual Desktop
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Jack Roper
A blog focused on all things Cloud and DevOps. Specialising in Azure & Terraform!
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Stefan Dingemanse
Azure, Windows Virtual Desktop and Devops
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Kirk Ryan
A blog covering all things data and storage in Azure.
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Cloud SMA
’m a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, specializing in monitoring and automation.
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My Name is Sajeetharan Sinnathurai. With over 11 years of experience in the ICT industry,
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Luke in the Clouds
My name is Lukasz - I'm a Cloud Architect from Poland
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Gregor Reimling
Blogging all things public and hybrid cloud
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Cloud Coffee Break
Blogging about all things Cloud
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Azure Is Fun
I am a digital nomad (not really) with passion for Microsoft Azure, DevOps and PowerShell.
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Daniel McLoughlin
Now then! My name is Daniel McLoughlin and I'm a Microsoft Certified Azure Developer and DevOps Engineer. Welcome to my blog!
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Jurgen on Azure
I’m an independent software architect and developer and I love building scalable systems that run in the cloud!
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A Cloud Techie
A blog covering Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Automation, CICD, Monitoring and Security options.
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SQL Tatoo
A blog run by Vassilis Ioannidis who publishes content about Azure and SQL databases.
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Blogging about Security in the Cloud with a focus on Azure
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Shannon Kuehn
Azure - If I can do it, you can too
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Blog of Joonas W
I write blog articles once or twice per month and they mostly relate to Azure or ASP.NET Core.
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Michael Durkan
A Blog about Tech. Azure, Cloud, DevOps, On-Prem, and lots more!
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Net Runner
Working as an Azure Customer Engineer at Microsoft, as part of the Azure customer engineering team (Apps + Infra)
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Get Modern
Helping organisations on their journey to Modern through blogs, interactive sessions, community events and more.
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Most Technical
I do not have an abundance of time to nurture this blog as much as it deserves, but you will sometimes find interesting bits here
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Parveen Singh
My name is Parveen Singh and I work as a Cloud Solutions Consultant
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I have been working in IT for 20+ years, having a background in infra-side. It has been a constant learning curve to keep up with technology.
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Amine Charot
Blog posts by Amine Charot
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Vinicius Deschamps
Blogging about Microsoft Azure
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Blogging Azure Arc and Azure Hybrid
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Azure Brian
My goal for this blog is to serve as a repository for my experiences and thoughts as I use Microsoft Azure in the wild to provide robust, cloud-based solutions.
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Andy Roberts
All Things Azure & Cloud
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Daniels Tech Blog
My name is Daniel Neumann and this is my personal blog or better my personal knowledge base where I am writing down my thoughts all around Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologies.
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Kelvin Papp
A UK based IT Professional with over 15 years’ experience supporting, designing, and deploying IT solutions across a wide range of technologies
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It Should Just Work
I’m mainly involved with Microsoft Azure, VMware (ESXi, vSphere, vSAN), Windows, and Linux environments
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Shifting to the cloud
Microsoft Azure and 365
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Mike Stephenson
Blogging about Microsoft Azure and Cloud Integration
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Jake Walsh
Azure, Cloud, DevOps, EUC and more
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Blogging about Azure and all things tech. Azure & Cyber security enthusiast
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A guide to Cloud
My mission is to help students wanting to learn Cloud technology by creating quality training content at no additional cost
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John Lokerse
Blogging about Azure, now primarily focusing on Azure Bicep
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Abdul Kazi Blog
Cloud Solutions Architect focused on Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
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Liam gulliver
DevOps & SDLC Coach - Public Speaker - Azure Specialist - Co-founder of DevOps Notts - Co-host Agile Engineering Podcast
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Thorsten Hans
Blogging cloud, kubernetes, docker, Terraform, Azure and Cloud-Native Computing
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Baeke Blog
Cloud, IoT and more cloud. What else is there?
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Azure Tracks
Real world business tracks leading towards Azure Services
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Tidjani Belmansour
Cloud Solutions Architect and a coffee addict. I've been in love with computers since 1988.
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Working with Microsoft (Cloud) Technology like Azure (Stack), Office 365, Intune, Azure DevOps, WVD etc.
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Automate the boring work - Leo Visser has spend many years in the IT industry and experienced different ways of working in IT teams
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Blogging all things Azure
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Explore Azure
My name is Barry, I am a DevOps engineer writing about Azure Cloud Native, Linux and Kubernetes.
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Learning Pathways
Here you will find a collection of potential learning journeys that you may wish to consider as part of your own professional development.
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Mohammed Sajid
I blog about Azure. Blogging is relatively new to me. This blog will document what I am currently learning and share that learning journey with you all.
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Azure Heroes Blog
Insights into Azure Services with relevant information and some of my personal experiences
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Tunecom Blog
Focussing on digital transformation journeys , cloud adoption and modern workplace projects.
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Side Quests
Data Engineering and other distracting things
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Ryan Mangans IT Blog
A hands on technical professional who has had a passion for technology since the early age of 6
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Sergey .NET
Fullstack Backend developer with special interests for DevOps
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Head For Cloud
Independent hands-on Azure consultant and a Microsoft MVP specialising in helping companies to migrate to and make best use of the Cloud.
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Azure Fabric
This blog and its topics will mainly be about Microsoft Azure and how to leverage it to its fullest potential
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Daraw Techie
Azure, Powershell, Automation and Exchange
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Techie Mate
Cloud Application, Integration and Microservices Architect
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SharePoint Rider
SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Azure, Power Platform, PnP, Nintex, PowerShell & Migration.
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The Microsoft Platform
A Microsoft minded blog about end user computing
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Azure Alan
My name is Alan Kinane and I’ve been working with Microsoft Azure since 2014
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Blue Boxes
I am John, a software engineer and architect working in C# .NET and Azure
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NK Code
Exploring cloud technologies, automation, and DevOps
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Thomas Naunheim
Blog about Cloud Architecture and Microsoft Azure solutions
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Jesse Houwing
Scrum and DevOps with Microsoft
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Marcin Gastol
Skilled Cloud DevOps Engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer with extensive experience in Azure technologies and teaching various IT subjects
Advancing Into The Cloud
I love Azure, infrastructure, agile methodologies and DevOps
Davide Bellone is a software developer based on Turin, Italy. Microsoft lover, but cheated on it with Angular.
I’m a Solutions Architect at BoxBoat. I help teams create cloud-native systems on Azure. I used to be a .NET developer and avid ping pong player.
DevOps With Yoge
Welcome to my Medium page, where tech meets the future, and innovation thrives in the cloud!
Azure Tech
Blogging all things Azure
Azure Viking
Haflidi's Technical Insights
Cloud Blogger
Hello! My name is Konstantinos and i live in Athens, Greece. I am a passionate IT Professional with more than 20 years of working experience.
In this blog, you can expect to find Azure deployment guides, info on new Azure services, some troubleshooting tips and tricks.
MS Cloud Bros
Blogging about Azure
Configuring Clouds
Sharing tips, tricks, and commentary about Azure, Cloud, and Datacenter management.
Cloud Inspired
Cloud Inspired details step by step technical guides and videos on hybrid, public and private cloud platforms. Including diverse topics covering Microsoft Azure
Wiki Azure
WikiAzure is Helping People develop in-demand skills required to advance their career through Cloud and AI.
Code and Cloud Crumbs
C#, Azure and other Technical stuff
Mark Patton
Mark Patton – #Microsoft #Azuremarkpatton.cloud Im a technical leader for teams designing, building, testing, automating and operating modern digital platforms.
Zig Max
Blogging about Azure and Security since 2012
Marcin Gastol
Microsoft MVP in Azure blogging all things Azure
My name is Robert Mahon, and I’m an Azure Solutions Architect
Sysadmin Central
Sysadmin Central was created in February 2019 with the aim of sharing my knowledge with Power Users, System Administrators and regular users with issues.
The DevOps Runner
Blog run by Microsoft MVP (in Azure Infrastructure and DevOps) Lionel Gurret
Hansen Cloud
I post about all things Cloud. Blog run by Matt Hansen
Camilo Terevinto
I write about Azure, ASP.NET Core and other technologies
Tech Guys
Christopher is a running swiss army knife for IT. Since 20 years he works mostly focused on microsoft technologies across the board with some greater sidesteps into networking and opensource configuration management.
Microsoft Playground
Over 15 years’ experience providing architecture, development, training and design expertise
Cloud consultant working primarily with Microsoft Azure, automation and infrastructure. Automation, Cloud and other ramblings...
Anthony On Azure
Anf Community.com
A blog dedicated to the Azure first party service: Azure NetApp Files
Sam Hope-Evans
This blog is about what I do for a living which is all things Digital, DevOps & Scrum
Azure Gladiator
Over 5 years of experience in Cloud Computing with certification in Kubernetes and Azure
Andy Barnes
Over 16 years experience working in the IT services industry for vendors, partners, customers and service providers as a senior consultant.
Xavier Geerinck Blog
My thoughts, tutorials and learnings
Seif Bassem
This is a blog about the Cloud , and some other random thoughts
Something Azure
Tinkering in the Cloud
My chaotic take on Azure, DevOps and PowerShell
Azure Simplified
Working on Azure Technologies since 2010 , currently working as Technical Delivery manager atMicrosoft
Jeff Brown
Specializing in Microsoft 365, Azure, and PowerShell.
Sander Rozemuller
All about Azure, WVD, Automation, Devops Monitoring
Mert Senel
I love everything related to Cloud and DevOps and in this blog I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences.
Phillip Parkinson
I write this blog and I help customers make the most of their SAP investments.
Patrick Koch
’m a “Senior Integration Engineer Software”, working in the Automotive Industry. I love to practice DevOps and share my experiences.
Ulysses Neves
earning is every day. This has never been so true for me since I've started up on this road of technology.
Cloud Avenue
Cloud Architect at Microsoft blogging all things Cloud
Cloud Ninja
’m a Cloud Solution Specialist with expertise within Azure, Microsoft infrastructure services like DNS, DHCP, Domain services etc
Cloudelicious is backed by a team of current and former Microsoft employees with a passion for the various flavors of the cloud
AdaTheDev Blog
Blogging all things tech including Azure
Alan Shisane
Masters graduate and Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator with over 10 years of experience in implementation, migration, project, and BAU support.
Azure PHP
Getting the best out of Azure with your PHP applications
Hi there, Abisoye Falabi is my name. I don’t have this page figured out yet but i will update whenever i have something to share in here
Great list of useful Azure Blogs. Thanks for sharing Imran
Awesome site!
Thanks for compiling this list of Azure Blogs, and a great site indeed for beginners like me. Cheers dude
Great list of Azure Blogs
I have just submitted my Azure Blog! Cheers
Lots of well known bloggers. Thanks for sharing
How do i get my blog listed please?
You can submit your blog by clicking the Add New button towards the top of the blog list
Thank you very much
Here all content so useful and helpful for beginner and experience both. This site is so amazing, this sites gives good knowledge of microsoft azure training. This is very helpful for me.
Waoo Awesome blog list, thankyou